Monday, 24 March 2014

Spring Layering- Teal Jeggings, Mustard Top, Cardigan and Floral Scarf

What’s with the weather guys! Playing hot and cold, and making it difficult to dress appropriately.

So taking the erratic weather into account, I indulged in some ‘Spring-Layering’ last Saturday. What is Spring-Layering you ask?! Well, it’s just layering clothes in order to make oneself feel at peace with the weather, and when done in Spring, I like to call it Spring-Layering! Hahaha, lame or what!

Anyhow, getting back to the outfit, I chose my comfiest pair of bottoms (enter teal jeggings- also worn here, here and here) and paired them with a deep mustard (sleeveless) top. And since it’s not ‘sleeveless weather’ just yet, or atleast for me it isn’t (unless I’m going out at night, then most of the rules are broken), I added a lightweight sea blue/green/teal cardigan. And keeping it to true to my style, I topped off the look with a bright, cheery and might I add spring-y floral scarf.

For shoes I put on my dual toned funky ballet flats, and my bad was just the regular one that I’ve been carrying for about a month  now!

I liked the outfit, not sure about the bumblebee sunglasses though! What do you think? Thanks so much for commenting on my last post. And BTW, if you follow me on Instagram, you would have already seen this outfit as and when I'd worn it! J


  1. Fabulous colour cardigan hun.

    X x

  2. Ooh I really like the color mix you have going on in this outfit. Definitely worth to try!

  3. Love the colour mix,beautiful scarf :) Featuring and pinning your post this week over at Creative Mondays, thanks for sharing,,,

  4. Stopping by from Creative Mondays. This Outfit is so simple yet chic and adorable. Rocking that beautiful scarf and light blue cardigan. You look so pretty.

    Welcoming you to stop by my blog. Take Care, Ada. =)
