Wednesday, 29 January 2014

OOTD Video on YouTube: Striped Sweater, Skinny Jeans, Scarf and Red Bag

If you read my last post you would know that I was about to upload an OOTD video featuring my (sister’s) striped sweater- keeping up with that promise, yours truly has uploaded the video. Yay!

You can watch it here.

In my last blog post, I showed how I wore the striped sweater to work, which is a formal setting. And in the video I have shown how you could style the same sweater for a family dinner (which is when I wore this outfit). For those of you who can’t wait to watch the video, here’s a little teaser.

I would love to know your thoughts on the video (and the outfit). Let me know if you want me to make a video on a specific topic.And if you like the video, please subscribe to my channel. J

For more fun and fashion related photos, you can follow me on Instagram (clothesandcreativity).


  1. Anya you look great and that's the cutest little pink bag ever!!!! Love it.

  2. Visiting from Three-Fer Thursday Link-up! Love those shoes! Such a great casual look.

    <3 Vicki

  3. That outfit is very cute! I love your scarf!
