Sunday, 15 December 2013

Guest Post: How to End a Backsplash in Style

Guest Post by Roberta Madison: As the marketing manager at Glass, Roberta Madison is focused in helping the company achieve its goals. She loves tiles and do not tire talking about glass tiles, stone tiles, subway tiles, metal tiles and exotic tiles.  Follow Roberta Madison on G+.

Putting together a superb backsplash is challenging enough but the fun does not end there.  One persistent problem posed by many DIY home makers is when to end a backsplash.  While this query seems to be simplistic, the truth is that it can also be overwhelming.

Designers tackle this quandary based on their own tastes and the demands of the kitchen or bathroom. However, there are basic guides.


Do not extend the backsplash to the side. Too many kitchens have fallen into this trap and the final work – with the tiles rising and then ending halfway up the wall – appears untidy. Like someone decided to stop working on the backsplash and left.  The disproportionate design is so apparent that it calls too much attention and destroys visual harmony.
Backsplashes are meant to protect the walls and as such, function dictates form. It is best to limit or avoid them in areas where there is no exposure to grease and moisture.


A common practice for a kitchen backsplash is to raise it from the counter top up to a sufficient height to cover the wall against heat or food stains. More modern kitchens extend this height up to the bottom of the cabinet or open shelves.

            Use Trims

In the absence of cabinets or shelves, end the backsplash with the appropriate trim. From a bullnose trim to quarter round corner tiles, there are different types of trim or caps to smoothen the edges.  In cases where there’s a need to extend the backsplash to a side wall, these nifty strips come in handy.
Then there are tile types that require the use of trims. Glass tiles for example are smooth at the edges and they’ll do fine.  

Backsplashes are visual marvels. This space can make or break the entire look of a kitchen or bathroom. You may have chosen the appropriate tiles, pattern, and color but a slight miscalculation in finishing it can ruin the entire appearance. Be calm and keep these the simple rules in mind. You will eventually have a splendid backsplash adorning your kitchen or bathroom.

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